
Daily- The conch is blown at Brahmamuhurtham... Abhishekam and Malarnivedyam are conducted at 0500hrs.

The other poojas are conducted at the following timings.

Usha pooja - 0600 hrs
Pantheerati pooja – 0930hrs
Ucha pooja – 1100hrs
Thirinhu Pantheerati pooja – 1630hrs
Deeparadhana after sunset (depending on the actual time of the sunset)
Athazha pooja – 2000hr

Sri Moolasthanam

Usha pooja - This is conducted after Ushapooja at Mathrusala
Ucha Pooja – This is conducted before Ucha pooja at Mathrusala
Athazha pooja – 2000hrs

The above three poojas are conducted for Mahadeva also.
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